Map of Rydonn
Quite a bit of Rydonn is actually farmland—it's a vast country! Most places that are 'blank' on the map would be fields and meadows. The country of Romafsi lies to the east, beyond the Iunctura Sea.
There's two 'factions' within the aDTF universe, the Kyin (the good guys!) and the Ni'in (the bad guys). The symbols below are what you would find embossed into their armour:
The Kyin fight for King and country! Their symbol's base is comprised of a mountain. Rydonn has multiple mountain ranges, and dragons made their original homes there. The circle represents the sun, and the lines can represent either sun rays or the wind.
The Ni'in are a motley crew of bandits, cutthroats, and Blakai; essentially no-good dragon Tamers. This skeleton dragon symbol pretty much explains itself!